Monday, March 30, 2015
Arguing the inhumanity of scientific experiments in the excerpt, the narrator uses a change in point of view, imagery, and diction to strongly advocate for his or her opinion towards the subject. Initially introducing negative ideas and then switching to an accusation of the scientists creates the narrator’s hatred towards them and their experiments. The narrator’s feelings towards the unorthodox scientists and their awkward experiments are conveyed through the excerpt in order to stop scientists’ experiments and to create an army of advocates for his or her view on the subject. The excerpt is full of the narrator’s judgments against intellectuals involved in scientific experiments so that readers can understand and retain a negative view point on the subject.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
200 Word Sentence: Soccer
I woke up this morning thing to myself about why
I play this game, why I play this game every weekend through the snow and rain,
I have come to a conclusion; I play with cold, hot, rainy, snowy, or any kind
of weather because I love the sport and it makes me happy when nothing else
can, the feeling you get when you’re on the field and you score a goal is like
nothing else, I can’t even explain it, my heart beats faster than ever and I
get a certain tingle in my entire body, it is unreal, when I am celebrating
with my team it seems as if all of the hardships and dismay of life are gone,
and I wouldn’t trade that feeling for anything else in the world, I hope that I
can contain this feeling for the rest of my life, that is the reason that I
wake up early every weekend to play the sport in any weather; cold, warm, hot,
rainy, and even snow, because I love it and because there is nothing else like
it in this big, huge world full of feelings, I love it so much I would do
anything to keep it for the rest of my life.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Tone/ Angry Letter: All Teachers
Dear every teacher to ever live,
I do thank and praise you for your help with many new things in many new subjects, but to be completely honest half of you can’t even teach which I may also remind you is your job. So, we students have to come to school early every morning, on week-days of course, and sit in a class for 6 hours and 23 minutes where we aren’t even learning what we are supposed to, due to your inability to teach anything. Then you proceed to charm us with 4 hours of homework, per class I may add. Just to add on, teachers and colleges expect after-school activities too. So, if you expect us to be able to complete hours of homework per night, study, and do a sport during the noon time and then wake up at 6:00 in the morning with a positive mood, you’re a delusional dreamer. Not to mention, we also have to maintain a healthy weight and physical appearance in order to meet expectations set for us. Also we are supposed to make time to hangout with our friends, otherwise we are “socially-awkward”.
For a 14-18 year old to have to deal with that many things during each and every week is extremely stressful and overwhelming. The stress can build up along side the sleep and energy loss and can make for a very unhealthy unhappy teenager, and it is all your fault. How does that make you feel? You could easily try to rebuttal my argument yet it would be pointless because it wouldn’t be valid. I respect that teachers want the best for their students and can sometimes be one of the best support systems for students, but ever think that they are the ones causing most of the teens’ problems? I have and I think that they do. So, please reconsider the amount of homework you give to your students because they are already under a huge amount of stress and they do not need any more added to it.
Noah Taffah
Monday, March 16, 2015
Apostrophe: Heaven
So beautiful you are, but I am not ready to meet you so soon. Although when I do, I know it will be the most delightful of meetings. Your luscious clouds and dreams seem so appealing to me. I cannot lie by saying I would like to meet you, but I will admit it is the inevitable. I have accepted our future relationship and I hope to find my loved ones with you. Heaven please be what I have always hoped. I need you Heaven to be that. Heaven, oh Heaven.
Synecdoche: Relay Race
The crowd is yelling, chanting, "NORTON! NORTON!" Yet my anxiety has taken oven and I can't hear one word coming out of anyone's mouth, not even mine. I am waiting and waiting for what seems like forever but is really only about 1 minute. Finally it approaches me. I take off as the baton gets closer and closer, and soon it is in my hand. My nervous, clammy, young, little hand. It's all up to me now, it feels like I have to win it for the team. I am running and running and running and I cross the finish line. All of a sudden, the noise reaches my ears and I can hear everything and everyone. I crossed the finish line without even realizing that we won the race with the school record. I can't wait until the next race as the baton reaches me and I take off.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Good Luck Fixing Me: Unreliable Narrator/ Unorthodox POV
are we here? How are we here? Who put us here? Is this all just a game? What is
the point? I wake up, go to work at McDonalds, and come home to go to sleep.
What psychotic, millionaire, alien is the one who is tormenting us in this life
of depression and anxiety? All I want in this so called “life” is to know why
I’m living it, because it seems worthless to me.
I have these things that help me get
through the day, but they’re expensive. This is the real reason I work at
McDonalds, although my family doesn’t know that. I am a 15 year old drop out.
Life isn’t even worth it, so why would school be? All I live for is the feeling
I get when I use those things I use.
Without these things I have, I would
not be able to live through one hour, never mind one day. If my parents and
sister ever found out they would be so proud of me! They would finally realize
that I’m a good kid! That is why I have to tell them soon. They will think I am
so smart for finding these things and buying them. They will finally love me.
“Mom! Dad!” I said.
“Come here I need to tell you something!” I yelled.
“What do you want now?” They sighed.
“I have these things here look! Aren’t you proud of me
for getting them?” I asked
“What is that? Where did you get those? You’re a terrible
son, who doesn’t deserve anything. I cannot wait until you’re out of my house!”
My mother said to me with unexplainable wrath.
I just
walked away. The conversation didn’t go as well as I had hoped. I thought they
would have been happy that I got those things. So I used them, but a lot this
time. I had never taken that many before and it made me feel great! I was so disappointed
that my parents didn’t love me, all I wanted to do is lay in my bed and cry and
do nothing.
It had
been three weeks since I showed up to work or even left the house, and my
parents didn’t even care. I got fired that morning from my fast food job. I wouldn’t
be needing another job. My parents thought I was worthless and so did I. Maybe I really shouldn’t be here… Maybe I
should just end it all right now. It would be better for everyone. I wouldn’t
have to deal with anything anymore, my parents would be free of the weight I
put on their shoulders, and my sister could have my room.
So, I
decided to do it. I ended everything. I ended my depression, all with one huge
gulp of 15 of those things I had. I ended it. All of it. That easily. It was
all gone. But was it really?
I could
still see them. I could still see my family, and they hadn’t found me yet. I
couldn’t wait to see their happy faces when they saw my limp body lying there
on my bed! What would they say? “Finally, he is gone,” is what I expected.
not exactly what happened though…
“Oh my god! John come in here! Help!” My mother yelled.
My dad came running in, “What, what, what is it, what
“He’s gone, he’s really gone!” My mother sobbed.
I thought they wanted me gone…? Mom
said I didn’t deserve anything. I made a huge mistake. Hearing
the 911 call my mom made was displeasing and made me feel guilty. I thought
that this would make everything better but I guess I was wrong. I made another
bad mistake and I couldn’t fix it. I may
as well make the most out of it.
I was
looking for someone to talk to, but no one else was there. Where is everyone? Why am I all alone? I started running, and I
never stopped. I was sprinting, and instead of getting tired, I was getting
faster, faster by the second. Where ever
I’m going, I know it’s the right way. I just have that feeling that everything
is going to be okay. I feel like everything is going to be right here.
I finally
found someone, but as soon as I saw her I lost everything I loved. My family
was gone for good. I knew I had made a horrible and unchangeable mistake. I
knew the woman, I knew her well actually and she knew me too. She was an
elderly woman, and she was here with me. We had both lost everything, and so I
assumed I could talk to her about my feelings. I assumed wrong, she was
surprisingly unsympathetic to my case.
“Hi, where is everyone?” I asked.
“Hello Shaun,” the woman said.
“Umm…where is everyone?” I asked again.
“I know what you did Shaun!” the woman yelled at me.
I tried
to run, but I couldn’t. I tried and tried and tried, and I couldn’t run. She
was controlling me? I know her and she wouldn’t do that. It’s someone else. I
didn’t know what was going on, but I still had that feeling that everything was
going to be okay, and I would find happiness in the unknown place I was in.
It was
weird, I started to hear my mother’s voice calling my name. Increasing in
volume each time.
“Shaun. Shaun. Shaun! Shaun!” I heard her.
I woke
I don’t know
what happened, but I woke up that day in a hospital bed. I think I died and
woke back up, but I don’t know how. I think maybe god did it. I think he helped
me fix my mistake. That is why I was going to fix the rest of my mistakes now.
I am writing this because I have to. You guys are making me do it. You say,
“This is going to help you get better okay Shaun.” I don’t believe you really,
but you guys are all I have right now and I told My parents I would do anything
you asked of me so I will keep that promise. Hopefully this helped you guys,
good luck fixing me!
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